Compact or Boot Scooters

Sterling Compact Scooters from Sunrise Medical


Sterling Pearl Scooter

Always on the move? Don't forget to take the Sterling Pearl along for the ride

The Pearl quickly and easily disassembles and packs neatly away for storage, days out or simply to take to the shopping centre - giving you the versatility to bring your scooter wherever you want to go.

Its wireless connections and lightweight parts ensures you won't struggle getting it in and out of the car. Range per battery charge is up to 15 miles at a brisk 4mph, so the Pearl is ideal for both short trips or longer excursions around town.

Designed for simple disassembly without the hassle of cables or plugs, the one-touch Sterling lock separates both halves of the scooter for easy portability stowage..



  • The controls are simple to use and the tiller can be adjusted to suit your driving position
  • The padded seat always ensures a comfortable ride
  • Wide wheelbase making it very stable and sturdy
  • The flip up armrests and swivel seat helps easy access to your scooter
  • Great range - up to 15 miles
  • No tools required for disassembly

The heaviest part of the Pearl weighs just 16kg, making the scooter more manageable to lift in and out of the car.

The stand-by function allows the pearl to conserve battery power, ensuring you can optimise your use of the maximum range (up to 15 miles/24km at a speed of 4mph).


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Front wheel size 19 cm
Rear wheel size 22 cm
Overall length 103 cm
Overall width 56 cm
Seat base height 30 - 43 cm
Speed up to 4 mph (6.4 kph)
Batteries 21 Ah
Max safe slope
Turning radius 117 cm
Max range 24 km
Total weight 52 kg
Heaviest part 16 kg
Max user weight 136 kg (21 stone)

Due to its built-in rigidity, the Pearl can carry a user weight of up to 21 stone (136kg).

Download Pearl brochure (PDF)